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<< 2by 10 Subscription Plans >>


Subscription Plan # 1 Cost $2.50 Gives You One 2x10 Position.
The Sponsor Receive $0.50 For All Referral Purchases.

Subscription Plan # 2 Cost $5 Gives You A Daily 2x10 Position For Two Days.
The Sponsor Receive $1.00 For All Referral Purchases.

Subscription Plan # 3 Cost $10.00 Gives You A Daily 2x10 Spot For Four Days.
The Sponsor Receive $2.00 For All Referral Purchases.

Subscription Plan # 4 Cost $15.00 Gives You A Daily 2x10 Spot For Six Days.
The Sponsor Receive $3.00 For All Referral Purchases.

No Waiting To Cycle A Line To Earn!

Every Position Added Ten Members Downline Are Paid.
You & Your Sponsor Are Paid
 As Members Fall In Your Downline No Matter Who Recruited Them.

Downlines Per Downline Level Earned Total Earned Sponsor Level Earned Total Earned
2 $0.15 $0.30 $0.30 $0.05 $0.10 $0.10
4 $0.15 $0.60 $0.90 $0.05 $0.20 $0.30
8 $0.15 $1.20 $2.10 $0.05 $0.40 $0.80
16 $0.15 $2.40 $4.50 $0.05 $0.80 $1.60
32 $0.15 $4.80 $9.30 $0.05 $1.60 $3.20
64 $0.15 $9.60 $18.90 $0.05 $3.20 $6.40
128 $0.15 $19.20 $38.50 $0.05 $6.40 $12.80
256 $0.15 $38.40 $76.90 $0.05 $12.80 $25.60
512 $0.15 $76.80 $153.70 $0.05 $25.60 $51.20
1024 $0.15 $153.60 $307.30 $0.05 $51.20 $102.40
Downlines Per Downline Level Earned Total Earns Sponsor Level Earned Total Earned

